

Expertise in Neurosurgery Revenue Cycle Management Relieves Weight of ICD-10 Conversion

With the expansion of ICD-10-CM codes from 18,000 to 68,000, the level of increased detail is staggering. One example of the changes specific to Neurosurgery billing and coding includes that pertaining non-remitting backache, a common complaint for neurosurgical patients. Understanding how to report these diagnoses in ICD-10 is especially important, [...]

ICD-10 Conversion: Urology Revenue Cycle Management Expertise Makes the Difference

Do urologists and nephrologists actually catch a few breaks with the ICD-10 conversion? This transition might just streamline your work in some respects because ICD-10 codes are more straightforward in your specializations. You will see new combination codes for patients with co-morbidities like diabetes to which you will need to [...]

New Assurances in 2013 Help Medical Practices Offset Risks in Revenue Cycle Management

In your medical practice, cost benefit analyses determine many of the decisions you make. There’s one decision that can be particularly difficult…and downright paralyzing: realizing you need to make a change in healthcare revenue cycle management but not knowing if a new process will increase revenue… this time. Fear of [...]

Low Patient Engagement Contributes to Rising Healthcare Costs and Greater Need for Orthopedic Surgery Revenue Cycle Management

Among the biggest objectives for any orthopedic surgery practice is to maximize patient engagement and reduce healthcare costs (both for patients and providers). It just so happens one impacts the other. The following Power Your Practice article explains the tie: Though electronic medical record software has helped practices streamline workflows, [...]

Revenue Bridge Needed Now, More Than Ever, to Bridge the Widening Gap in Physician Practice Revenue

Reimbursement rates are dropping while costs to operate a healthcare practice are rising. So where’s a revenue bridge when you need one? According to a March 11 report in Physicians Practice, an online publication produced by the American Medical Association, did you know? Medicare has increased doctors' rates by only [...]

Doctors will Feel Medicare Reimbursement Cut of 2 Percent Beginning in April – Assured Return Offers Revenue Assurances

This year’s April date is no joke, to be sure. That’s because April 1 marks the day Medicare will start paying doctors less for treating beneficiaries under an automatic budget-cutting provision that took effect March 1, as reported in the American Medical Association’s amednews on March 11. According to the [...]

Reimbursement Concerns Heighten Need for Expertise in Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management

It’s a critical juncture for diagnostic radiology groups, a time when the level of expertise of your Diagnostic Radiology revenue cycle management can literally make or break your practice. That’s because according to Congressional radiology leaders in a March 1 online article from Radiological Society of North America, “the latest [...]

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