Diagnostic Radiology

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Radiology Coding Expertise Turns ICD-10 Risks Into Revenue Growth Opportunities


Your diagnostic radiology medical revenue cycle management faces several ICD-10 preparedness challenges prior to the implementation deadline. Software upgrades, training classes, and anticipated loss of productivity, to name a few. But the biggest challenge may just be keeping the lights on in the months after the "go live." Without the right radiology coding, billing and collections team in place, there's the chance for declining revenues and the very real possibility your healthcare revenue cycle management will take a hit. Denial rates potentially could increase between 100 and 200 percent, AR days increase by 20 to 40 percent, prolonged declining payments and [...]

Radiology Coding Expertise Turns ICD-10 Risks Into Revenue Growth Opportunities2013-10-17T16:17:17+00:00

Avoid Penalties: PQRS Reporting in 2013 Requires Diagnostic Radiology Coding Expertise


Did you know what you do this year, in 2013, is dependent on whether your Diagnostic Radiology practice loses money in 2015? If you're among the majority of Diagnostic Radiology practices currently not participating in, or qualifying for the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), you're at risk for doing just that. While less than a quarter of radiologists qualified for the bonus money CMS hands out for meeting PQRS requirements in 2010 (the most recent year full data is available), according to a study from the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute published in the Journal of the American College of [...]

Avoid Penalties: PQRS Reporting in 2013 Requires Diagnostic Radiology Coding Expertise2013-09-09T09:35:22+00:00

ICD-10 Transition Unveils New Code Structure, Increased Radiology Medical Billing Documentation


Code assignments and documentation for Radiology coding and billing will be very different in the world of ICD-10. A seven-character code will need to be constructed—either for medical-surgical procedures or ancillary services. These include imaging, and radiation oncology and nuclear medicine. One of 34 possible values has been assigned for each character in each code. The same letter or number placed in a different character means something different, which is why each character's physical position is important. Values are the numbers 0 through 9 and all letters in the alphabet except I and O. according to the Centers for Medicare & [...]

ICD-10 Transition Unveils New Code Structure, Increased Radiology Medical Billing Documentation2013-08-15T11:48:42+00:00

Seeing Red? Tips for Better Coding Help Stop the Bleeding, Increase Control of Radiology Revenue Cycle Management


Did you ever think the words "hemorrhaging" and "vulnerable" would pertain to your radiology coding and billing? More than likely, they do. That's because your healthcare revenue cycle management is actually more susceptible to errors which, when you add them up, can cost as much as a full time radiology coding professional on average. It's a fine line radiologists walk every day. Under-coding leads to lost revenue, while over-coding threatens compliance. The most common challenges stem from either inadequate documentation, which leaves coders without all the details necessary to maximize radiology reimbursement, or incomplete knowledge of latest coding practices. Poor and [...]

Seeing Red? Tips for Better Coding Help Stop the Bleeding, Increase Control of Radiology Revenue Cycle Management2013-07-16T10:43:38+00:00

Radiology at Risk: Radiology Coding Expertise Reduces Overpayments, Audits


This year's OIG report includes priorities for finding fraud and waste in Medicare, which continues to include imaging services. Bottom line, your diagnostic radiology group's medical practice billing is under closer examination. If there was ever a time when you needed a healthcare revenue cycle management team that understands the nuances of radiology billing, coding and collections, it's now, when CMS is increasing audits resulting from overpayments. The federal government's goal is to cut the Medicare FFS improper payment rate by half and reduce overall payment errors by $50 billion nationwide. OIG is reviewing Medicare payments for high-cost diagnostic radiology tests [...]

Radiology at Risk: Radiology Coding Expertise Reduces Overpayments, Audits2013-06-25T10:00:38+00:00

ICD-10 Unveils Challenges, Opportunities for Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management


Coding for injuries such as fractures is among the biggest challenges facing Diagnostic Radiologists as ICD-9 transitions to ICD-10 by Oct. 1, 2014. To give you an idea of the shift, compare all codes related to fractures of the radius: ICD-9 included 32 codes. ICD-10-CM has 1,731. The jump from 16,000 codes in ICD-9 to 68,000 codes in ICD-10-CM is resulting from a greater amount of information that’s required about the acuity of the patient and correlating disease process. Fracture codes will be much more detailed, including which limb it is, the fracture displaced or non-displaced, for example. They will have [...]

ICD-10 Unveils Challenges, Opportunities for Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management2013-06-06T09:20:44+00:00

Reimbursement Concerns Heighten Need for Expertise in Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management


It’s a critical juncture for diagnostic radiology groups, a time when the level of expertise of your Diagnostic Radiology revenue cycle management can literally make or break your practice. That’s because according to Congressional radiology leaders in a March 1 online article from Radiological Society of North America, “the latest Congressional cuts targeting imaging are “Draconian” and could limit patient access to quality imaging care not to mention stymie research. Following are excerpts from the online article: “In passing the 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA), the so-called “fiscal cliff” legislation, on Jan. 1, Congress bypassed a U.S. Centers for Medicare [...]

Reimbursement Concerns Heighten Need for Expertise in Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management2013-04-08T06:05:50+00:00

CMS Changes Impact Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management


Few challenges are as great as balancing the delivery of medicine with the business of healthcare and staying abreast of all the changes in diagnostic radiology revenue cycle management. It takes a uniquely qualified diagnostic radiology medical coding, billing and collections expert to keep physicians continually updated and their revenue streaming in these choppy, uncertain reimbursement waters, especially when they pertain to Medicare. This just in…the final CMS rules are out. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised the payment system for Medicare services, which coincides with the implementation of new CPT codes. According to a January 2013 [...]

CMS Changes Impact Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management2013-03-12T11:18:37+00:00

Radiology Coding Update – Jan. 2013


CTA DOCUMENTATION "If it isn't written, it didn't happen" Those words have been repeated to medical billers and coders in training classes and seminars for over 20 years. Coding a CTA can be tricky even for the seasoned coder. Very precise information must be dictated to assist the coder in determining if the procedure was a CT or CTA. The Fall 2008 issue of "Clinical Examples in Radiology" clarified the coding and dictation issues surrounding CTA. In order to differentiate CT from CTA, dictated documentation must indicate that 3D images were acquired and interpretation for those images must be made in [...]

Radiology Coding Update – Jan. 20132013-01-14T18:30:45+00:00

Recent Changes in Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management Include Chart Auditing Standards


The quality of care provided by any diagnostic radiology group is based on the accurate and complete clinical documentation of medical records. It's a lot to juggle, particularly because diagnostic radiology tends to be one of the more complex coding and compliance areas. It differs from many specialties in that there is a professional component and a technical component that is billed, as well as coverage issues. Add onto that the fact the recent change in auditing standards and you're challenged to stay abreast and continually ensure your records are in order in the event of an audit. Has your diagnostic [...]

Recent Changes in Diagnostic Radiology Revenue Cycle Management Include Chart Auditing Standards2012-12-26T23:12:51+00:00
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