

Build a Revenue Bridge Over Choppy ICD-10 Waters to Solid Revenue Ground


Brace for impact. Your medical practice is at risk for hitting turbulent waters if you're not adequately prepared for the ICD-10 transition on Oct. 1, 2014. Preparations not only need to include all the steps leading up to the "go live" but also those associated with continued flow of your healthcare revenue cycle management in the months that follow. Did you know you're at risk for insufficient documentation, coding errors, and increased payer scrutiny of claims? Denial rates also may take a turn for the worse, with a correlating increase in accounts receivable days. Without the right medical coding, billing and [...]

Build a Revenue Bridge Over Choppy ICD-10 Waters to Solid Revenue Ground2013-10-30T09:39:24+00:00

ICD-10 Claims Denial Risk Offset by Assured Return, Medical Practice Billing Expertise


Software upgrades to implement. Training classes to administer. Although your medical revenue cycle management faces several ICD-10 challenges that require tackling prior to the Oct. 1, 2014 "go live," the biggest challenge may just be keeping the lights on in the months after the deadline. That's because there's also the worry about reduced productivity as clinical and clerical staff deploy a vastly different code set for filing claims. This can result from physician medical billing and coding errors, insufficient documentation and increased payer scrutiny of claims. Denial rates also may increase along with a corresponding increase in accounts receivable days. "The [...]

ICD-10 Claims Denial Risk Offset by Assured Return, Medical Practice Billing Expertise2013-10-24T11:14:11+00:00

ICD-10 Denial Risks Need the Medical Practice Billing Assurances of MedRev Index


For you and your medical practice coding, billing and collections, the impact of the oncoming ICD-10 transition might just be seen as an oncoming freight train when demonstrated with these sobering numerical facts: 68,000 diagnostic codes 87,000 procedure codes Denial rates potentially increasing between 100 and 200 percent AR days increasing by 20 to 40 percent Almost twice the claim error rate [space height="10"] But there's one number that actually can help protect your practice, and your bottom line, from these vulnerabilities that may occur during the months following the Oct. 1, 2014 "go live." That's the number you probably never [...]

ICD-10 Denial Risks Need the Medical Practice Billing Assurances of MedRev Index2013-10-23T11:03:49+00:00

Radiology Coding Expertise Turns ICD-10 Risks Into Revenue Growth Opportunities


Your diagnostic radiology medical revenue cycle management faces several ICD-10 preparedness challenges prior to the implementation deadline. Software upgrades, training classes, and anticipated loss of productivity, to name a few. But the biggest challenge may just be keeping the lights on in the months after the "go live." Without the right radiology coding, billing and collections team in place, there's the chance for declining revenues and the very real possibility your healthcare revenue cycle management will take a hit. Denial rates potentially could increase between 100 and 200 percent, AR days increase by 20 to 40 percent, prolonged declining payments and [...]

Radiology Coding Expertise Turns ICD-10 Risks Into Revenue Growth Opportunities2013-10-17T16:17:17+00:00

ICD-10 Denial Risk Sparks Revenue Growth Opportunity For Emergency Coding and Billing


ICD-10 preparedness is more than just about meeting the Oct. 1, 2014 implementation deadline, it's about the possible impact to your emergency medical practice revenue cycle management following the "go live" if you're not. There's talk about a possible increase in denial rates during the transition, which can reduce practice profitability, or possibly even bring it to a screeching halt. Denial rates potentially could increase between 100 and 200 percent, AR days increase by 20 to 40 percent, prolonged declining payments and a near doubling of claim error rates. ICD-10 has prompted a Y2K response. That's because the transition from ICD-9 [...]

ICD-10 Denial Risk Sparks Revenue Growth Opportunity For Emergency Coding and Billing2013-10-15T09:17:09+00:00

Providers Vulnerable to ICD-10 Readiness Without Proper Neurosurgery Coding Support


ICD-10 update: CMS will not perform end-to-end tests of ICD-10-CM and PCS fee-for-service (FFS) claims with providers before the conversion deadline of Oct. 1, 2014. Yes, you read that correctly. According to CMS, end-to-end testing was already performed when its 5010 data standard was implemented last year, and ICD-10-CM and PCS are code sets rather than mechanisms to manage the data. That means providers and payers are on their own for the most part to make sure ICD-10 codes will be reportable and payable. While CMS is doing internal testing, it won't be providing much support to providers. Not only does [...]

Providers Vulnerable to ICD-10 Readiness Without Proper Neurosurgery Coding Support2013-10-10T11:08:16+00:00

Falling Behind in ICD-10 Testing Places Orthopedic Coding at Risk


According to a recent survey conducted by QualiTest Group, three out of four healthcare providers are not meeting the recommended timeline for the switch to ICD-10 by Oct. 1, 2014. Are you counted among those who are not? Is the ICD-10 transition of your orthopedic coding and all other aspects of your medical revenue cycle management at risk? Many healthcare providers across the board think they still have a lot of time to complete the steps necessary including performing ICD-10 testing. Think again. That's because CMS will not be performing end-to-end testing of ICD-10-CM and PCS fee-for-service. End-to-end testing is a [...]

Falling Behind in ICD-10 Testing Places Orthopedic Coding at Risk2013-09-26T15:42:07+00:00

Clock is Ticking: Radiation Oncology ICD-10 Readiness Depends on Medical Coding Partner


If you think you have lots of time yet to perform ICD-10 testing on your Radiation Oncology coding, billing and collections, think again. CMS will not be performing end-to-end testing of ICD-10-CM and PCS fee-for-service. That means there's added burden that rests squarely on your shoulders—unless you have an independent, third party medical coding and billing partner with special expertise in the ICD-10 transition. It's time to re-examine where you are in the process, and if additional support is needed to help you prepare and allocate adequate time to perform all the testing steps necessary to assure your readiness by Oct. [...]

Clock is Ticking: Radiation Oncology ICD-10 Readiness Depends on Medical Coding Partner2013-09-24T10:18:46+00:00

One Healthcare Change Calms Nerves: Revenue Bridge Offers Seamless Medical Practice Billing Transition


Any more, it's not just about meeting today's needs for medical practices, it's about anticipating tomorrow's. Advance preparations for ICD-10 are critical to the future success of medical practice revenue cycle management. Sometimes looking ahead to a better way of medical coding and billing for your practice is hard to do. After all, the way you've been doing things had been working... or so you thought. Anticipating how much better things can be is difficult to do, especially when there is a risk involved. There are bridges to a safe and secure transition that ensure the success of your medical coding, [...]

One Healthcare Change Calms Nerves: Revenue Bridge Offers Seamless Medical Practice Billing Transition2013-09-05T15:19:35+00:00

Emergency Medicine ICD-10 Success Hinges on New Medical Coding and Billing Testing, Documentation


Although the implementation deadline for ICD-10 is slated for Oct. 1, 2014, emergency physicians should begin now to prepare for the future implementation of ICD-10-CM coding by improving emergency department documentation. Not only does failure to fully and properly document a patient encounter has many medical, financial, and even regulatory ramifications, it will also significantly impede progress in moving to ICD-10. Documentation can be vague in some instances when it comes to the more definitive diagnoses. That's why the increased specificity and detail in ICD-10-CM codes is expected to be particularly relevant for the types of conditions treated by the emergency [...]

Emergency Medicine ICD-10 Success Hinges on New Medical Coding and Billing Testing, Documentation2013-08-29T15:26:36+00:00
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